發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2022-02-02 置頂 快速安裝深度學習系統 Ubuntu20.04 tensorflow 2.7.0 GPU docker (421) (0)
2017-02-11 置頂 我的網站學習地圖 (3030) (8)
2017-01-09 置頂 倒傳遞類神經網路(neural network backpropagation) 筆記 (62646) (23)
2016-12-22 置頂 從無到有打造一個深度學習環境學打乒乓球-- Deep Reinforcement Learning 使用說明書 (4398) (3)
2016-12-10 置頂 用Minecraft 測試AI演算法 COOL!! (1719) (2)
2016-12-05 置頂 科學家發明一個上傳知識到你腦袋的方法 (233) (0)
2016-11-16 置頂 Convolutional Neural Net 筆記 (29247) (10)
2016-11-10 置頂 Reinforcement learning - Q learning 推導 (22827) (6)
2016-09-06 置頂 AI 新聞整理 (673) (0)
2016-08-16 置頂 AI 近年來的發展 (1162) (3)
2022-04-05 Learning Coursera SQL for Data Science (51) (0)
2022-03-26 Linux setup share folder (11) (0)
2022-03-24 Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again (43) (0)
2022-03-22 405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal (48) (0)
2022-03-21 Reverse string in c++ (239) (0)
2022-03-20 SSD(2) Bounding-Box regression (85) (0)
2022-03-19 SSD:Single shot multibox detector (538) (0)
2022-03-17 Object detection的由來 (18) (0)
2022-02-05 使用ssh上傳github (45) (0)
2022-02-03 Ubuntu20.04 graphic card 3070ti 顯卡壓力測試 (1201) (0)
2022-01-26 A study of Q-learning considering negative rewards (15) (0)
2022-01-25 PyQt5 安裝實測教學 (431) (0)
2021-07-10 leetcode 509. Fibonacci Number (48) (1)
2019-09-24 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (378) (0)
2019-04-21 DDPG 原理說明 (2727) (0)
2019-04-15 Actor Critic 原理說明 (5796) (0)
2019-04-09 Policy gradient 原理說明 (9268) (4)
2019-02-26 Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks (387) (0)
2019-02-18 快速搭建Tensorflow深度學習環境–Nvidia-docker (4931) (0)
2019-01-21 Building efficient convnets using redundant feature pruning (40) (0)
2019-01-16 Linux setup share folder (3734) (0)
2019-01-06 用AI 教你下圍棋 (6269) (1)
2019-01-02 Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection (747) (0)
2018-12-24 Ubuntu 16.04 nvidia-1070ti cuda9.0 (467) (0)
2018-12-16 Object detection的由來 (1480) (0)
2018-12-08 Deep Q-learning (DQN) 原理說明 (14914) (1)
2018-11-20 Anaconda + visual studio code (26225) (0)
2018-10-08 Machine learning chap2-where does the error come from (103) (0)
2018-09-21 Adagrad gradient descent implement (1204) (0)
2018-09-05 非監督式學習 K-means 方法概論 (630) (0)
2018-07-31 Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks (272) (0)
2018-07-15 To prune, or not to prune: exploring the efficacy of pruning for model compression (130) (0)
2018-07-07 人人都可擁有GPU---Google free GPU - K80 (1211) (0)
2018-07-01 人人都可跑 AlphaGO Zero (9901) (0)
2018-06-25 Mobilenet 讀後心得 (11125) (0)
2018-06-17 用python 爬取台灣上市上櫃公司股票代碼 (6005) (3)
2018-06-09 好用的pytube --下載youtube影片套件 (7905) (1)
2018-06-03 Machine learning MAP(mean average precision) 詳細解說 (17914) (1)
2017-11-25 Alexnet 讀後筆記 (11744) (0)
2017-07-16 Anaconda安裝package方法 (以opencv示範) (24766) (0)
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